Intervention / Consumption and dependencies

"Often the most urgent thing
to do is to wait" (Olievenstein)

Since its establishment, the Cooperative has developed, within the city territory, an integrated offer of interventions that are a fundamental part of the complex network of public and private services, both with interventions to prevent the consumption of psychotropic substances, and with interventions aimed at people with problematic consumption or pathological addictions.
Actions therefore develop at different levels, from prevention to risk reduction, harm reduction and treatment. In this regard, the proposed interventions have both a low access threshold (street unit, drop in) and more articulated access methods (outpatient services, both guidance and care and residential communities).
The various activities are carried out through public funding provided by the Lazio Region, the ASLs, Roma Capitale, the Department of Anti-Drug Policies and other public bodies and foundations.
In particular, the following interventions are activated:

  • street units and interventions to prevent and reduce the risks associated with the use of substances, for adolescents and young people, activated both in schools and in daytime aggregation contexts, both in contexts of commercial night-time leisure (discos, pubs), and cars organized (social centers, rave parties, free festivals);
  • Damage Reduction interventions (day centers, street units) aimed at protecting the health of people active in the consumption of psychotropic substances, through the offer of primary services (place of prompt reception, exchange of medical material, overdose interventions, information on sexually transmitted substances and diseases, medical and legal advice, sending to services, lunch, shower ...), also offering itself as an opportunity to support and activate responses to those who manifest, in a more or less conscious way, the need of a change in their consumption styles. In our declination, harm reduction interventions, in addition to containing the spread of pathologies related to drug abuse, offer support to dependent people, including foreigners, offering them an alternative to the marginalization circuits where they are usually inserted. These interventions are aimed at multi-users, heroin and intravenous cocaine users, many of whom normally have no other opportunity to relate to public or private social services.
  • Outpatient and residential services, consultancy activities and psychotherapy courses are offered as well as residential proposals.
  • Gambling In recent years, in conjunction with the progressive increase in visibility assumed by the phenomenon of gambling, the cooperative manages prevention and information projects on the subject and consultancy activities for problem gamblers.

Some activities carried out in the Dependencies area have been implemented over the years with the contribution of the "Otto per Mille" Funds of the Waldensian Table.

Consumption and dependencies project area >>>


  • Dipendenze
  • Prostituzione e tratta
  • Prevenzione e giovani

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