Parsec cooperative, considered in its nature of social enterprise, plays a significant role in supporting social inclusion. It represents a link between the land, the people who inhabit it and the institutions, helping to make society fairer, stronger and more cohesive. It is, therefore, a non-profit organization that, by pursuing its goals, contributes to improve the quality of life of society actors in which it operates.

Through the following data, we want to give an account of the choices, activities, results and use of resources, in order to make them visible to citizens and other stakeholders, and how the cooperative interprets and implements its institutional mission and its mandate.

We would like to represent a transparent framework of the complex interdependence between the economic and the socio-political factors resulting from our choices, stressing the quantity and quality of the relationships between our cooperative and the partners.
Then showing the socio-economic impact and the well-being generated by our work.

Social report

In drawing up a possible reflection on the past year, we found ourselves interrupting the long and inexhaustible theory of "things to do", procedures to follow, administrative commitments to be fulfilled in order to dedicate ourselves to a moment of reflection on the period we are experiencing, at within which the action of our cooperative unfolds.
At the risk of saying something banal, what we experienced was an extraordinary period. More, unpublished.
We had already been severely tested by everyone what the new millennium brought with it, with all its corollary of unprecedented and dramatic events: wars, migrations, climate problems, the crisis of the Western economy. To complicate the life of all of us and of our cooperative, in December 2014 the "Mafia capital" investigation rained down on us, without our being in the least involved, which threw a veil of suspicion on all social work, rushing us into one a state of profound, unjust mortification. We resisted, strengthened by the awareness of the indispensability of our work and the certainty of our honesty and administrative correctness.
In the light of the last two years, what has just been said seems to be downsizing, fading, paling. Since 2020 we have fallen into an unprecedented crisis, which has affected the entire social body: a crisis that has changed, even if we do not yet fully realize it, the anthropologies of all of us. The Covid-19 pandemic, still not over, has shown beyond all that it should have shown that if we were all equally at the mercy of a stormy sea, not all of us had the same boat to deal with the waves. We were the first to realize immediately how many citizens were unable to retire from home, simply because they were homeless (12,000 in Rome); we realized that the DAD is different if you have four children and two rooms or, conversely, two children and four rooms, or if you have only one device or, conversely, laptop for all members of the household. While everyone said "everything will be fine", we added "we hope for everyone".
Today, to this series of events that have precipitated us, in a world in profound transformation, we add the war in Europe. It seems to see the silhouettes of the biblical horsemen of the Apocalypse, war, violence, famine and pestilence.
All of this weighs on the lives of each of us, on our thoughts, on the concerns for our loved ones, on the people we care for and on everyone's future. However, we want to think that at least one area can represent, if not a certainty, at least a terrain where each of us feels he has full citizenship, decision-making and transformative capacity. I'm talking about our work, our way of understanding and acting cooperation and social work. In fact, while what we have just described was happening, we seem to be able to say that we have continued to keep the bar straight, guaranteeing with the greatest possible methodological rigor and commitment, services oriented towards social well-being, combining, with difficulty, our action in territories with the participation in the moments in which new political trajectories are built for the social.
We continued to design, we would say successfully, participating in the offer of public tenders for the management of services; we have guaranteed moments of meeting, exchange and training for members and collaborators. All this without neglecting the care of relations with our networks, with our clients, with the actors of the territory.
Over the next year, we expect PNRR resources to finally restore breath to city care, helping to mitigate ever-growing inequality. We also expect that the long-awaited co-planning and co-planning will finally allow a non-ancillary relationship between citizens, cooperation and regional, municipal and municipal administrations.

Dear members,
In writing these brief introductory notes to the 2022 social report, I found myself retracing the international events that have influenced, and unfortunately continue to influence, our lives as citizens and cooperators.
Among the many events that punctuated last year, three seem to me particularly significant for each of us, for our cooperative and for the social sector to which we are dedicated.
Four dates that describe the world that we are lucky to inhabit: conflicts between empires, global climate crisis, repression of the most basic human rights, new frontiers:

  • February 24th is the start date of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. European citizens, forgetting the bloody conflicts in the Balkans and the myriad of wars fought in every part of the globe, find themselves having to deal, after 78 years, with a war scenario in the center of the continent, with all the corollary of bombed cities, massacres of civilians, with the suffering and cruelty that accompany every conflict;
  • On August 22nd, the report of the Global Drought Observatory certifies that Europe is affected by the most severe drought in the last 500 years;
  • On September 16th, Mahsa Amini is killed in Iran, for having broken the Islamic law on the veil. The event unleashes a series of protests, whose violent repression by the authorities causes over 200 victims, hundreds of injured and over 1,500 arrests;

Faced with what sociologists call "total and global social facts", I identified with a contemporary teenager. It doesn't matter if you are Italian, European or African. It doesn't matter because this world's alpha generation, despite what is touted by those who think they are building unfair gates on the migratory sea, look alike. It is similar in the desire to be able to grow up in a livable world. We who deal, among other things, with migrants, severely exploited work, reception of unaccompanied minors, people who use drugs, youth issues, urban policies, know it well.

Our cooperative, together with these global generations, is facing the unprecedented challenges listed above, which put the life and anthropology of all of us at serious risk. It shouldn't be easy to build one's identity, to seek one's place in a world that normalizes war, that cares more about the glass of the frames of works of art, rather than the fate of the planet, that accepts gender violence and all kinds, inequalities and the death at sea of thousands of humans as if they were caused by non-human events, as if the causes were not connected to the development model chosen by the capitalist West. The young people we are talking about often compare themselves with adults used to looking sufficiently at their claims, a sufficient attitude that transforms acts of opposition to a development deemed senseless into crimes worthy of the penal code. The reflexivity of the adult world seems to have reached an all-time low
We, for our part, have faced the pandemic with effort and responsibility, not failing in our task of being close and in solidarity with our users: with the same determination, we will continue to "do social", to achieve that possible collective happiness that represents our horizon of meaning.
Despite everything, Parsec is growing and in 2022 we: expanded our BoD, started the process for the entry of new partners, awarded nine new projects, added two new areas (family custody and FGM - female genital mutilation). Furthermore, the design sector has become the object of reflection and self-training, involving all areas of the cooperative. Finally, we have been present, with recognized passion and professionalism, in all the networks we inhabit and in all the national events where work has been done to improve public policies that concern us, not least the National Conference on Drugs in Genoa and the subsequent Pand, National Addiction Plan.

With this heritage, both human and ideal, we have nevertheless continued to measure the city on foot, as required by our precise and certainly demanding choice of field.




  • Dipendenze
  • Prostituzione e tratta
  • Prevenzione e giovani

Sistema di Gestione della Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2008

Sistema di Gestione della Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2015