Intervention / Social Mediation

Things happen
in the middle

Since 1999, the Cooperative has designed and managed projects of experimental social mediation in Rome, aiming at implementing and evaluating, in consultation with the local and central government, the validity and duplication to other areas of its multidisciplinary interventions. This approach is finalized to the search, together with the citizens, of support actions to participated and integrated urban safety policies.

Mediation interventions promote the active participation of citizens, associations and local projects, schools, traders etc., entities and services from the public and social private sectors, with the aim of spreading, through specific training courses and territorial actions, the culture of creative and non-violent conflict management. Thus, the territory is given the opportunity to develop a common language and implement paths of shared security, having as main theme the social and conflict mediation as a governance, intervention and network strategy in the territory.
In this perspective, the various actions, interventions and services meet the needs and expectations of improved living conditions for the inhabitants of the districts (e.g. maintenance, management of common areas, community services, intercultural mediation, etc.) and increase the sense of belonging and the social ties between with the territory.

The basic idea of the intervention can be summarized in a few key points:

  • the district is not only a sum of residences but a place where "staying together";
  • the population of a district, even the most "fragile", is an asset;
  • shared management of assets, projects or common services creates new forms of democratic participation in the local policies;
  • public institutions, through partnerships, may confer greater autonomy and responsibility to the citizens by facilitating recovery of efficiency and effectiveness in the care of public property and civil society;
  • improving efficiency and effectiveness in the care of public property and civil society.

Projects Area of Social Mediation >>>


  • Dipendenze
  • Prostituzione e tratta
  • Prevenzione e giovani

Sistema di Gestione della Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2008

Sistema di Gestione della Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2015